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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Keeping Track of Support Assistant Deployment

  • Last updated on

The Support Assistant page helps you keep track of successful, pending, and failed Support Assistant installations across all your sites. From this page, you can upgrade Support Assistant on one or more devices, retry a failed installation, and click to open a Device page or a Support Assistant Policy page to view more information and make modifications as needed.
The following table lists the icons indicating the status of a Support Assistant installation:

Installation Status








To view a list of deployed Support Assistants

  1. In Service Center, click Status > Support Assistant.

  2. To sort the list, do any of the following:

    • To sort devices by those with a Support Assistant upgrade available, click the Sort by upgrade available worddave9be0484962733f8648082342f115668.png icon.

    • To sort devices by upgrade status, click the Sort by upgrade status worddav0c8f0efcbb358fc8bb7b201754398e6e.png icon.

  3. To filter the devices by site, select a site from the drop list in the top right of the page.

  4. To view the Device page for a device, click the device name.

  5. To view more information about the Support Assistant policy applied to a device, click the Support Assistant policy name.

  6. To view the Support Assistant installation history for a device, hover the cursor over the Installation History worddava5e31f166869790f4dc59a33cab80c61.png icon.

To upgrade Support Assistant on one or more devices

  1. In Service Center, click Status > Support Assistant.

  2. To filter the devices by site, select a site from the drop list in the top right of the page.

  3. Select the check box beside each device for which you want to upgrade Support Assistant.
    Tip: To upgrade Support Assistant for all devices listed, select the check box at the top of the check box column.

  4. Click Upgrade.

To retry a Support Assistant installation

  1. In Service Center, click Status > Support Assistant.

  2. To filter the devices by site, select a site from the drop list in the top right of the page.

  3. Select the check box beside each device for which you want to retry installing Support Assistant.

    To retry Support Assistant installation for all devices listed, select the check box at the top of the check box column

  4. Click Retry Installation.