When attempting to diagnose issues with Barracuda RMM, there are several locations for various logs that might be asked for by the support team. Below you will find the most common logs that might be requested.
Submitting Logs to Barracuda RMM Support
Before sending any logs, ZIP all logs into one package with a unique name
Contact the Barracuda RMM Support team so that we know to expect the logs
Please only submit logs after we acknowledge your request
In any browser, go to https://mw-s3-partners.s3.amazonaws.com/upload.html
Choose the ZIP to upload and submit it
Email Support with the unique file name you gave the logs
You can also password-protect the ZIP for added security and submit the password through the Sharing Sensitive Information with the Barracuda RMM Support Team article.
Collecting logs from your Service Center UI
Log into your Service Center
Click on Configuration
Select System Settings
Then on the far right, choose Support Diagnostics
Click the dropdown beside Add to Diagnostic Query
Beside the OM or DM you want logs from will be a green circle with a white arrow under Add to Diagnostic Querry column; select that
If you are an On-Premise or Self-Hosted partner, you can collect your Service Center diagnostic logs this way as well
Select Run Diagnostics at the bottom and then Download Diagnostics
If this fails, proceed with the manual log collection as below
Collecting logs locally
Onsite Manager or a Device Manager on Windows
Open File Explorer
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Level Platforms\Onsite Manager\MWDiagnosticCollector
For Device Managers, if you cannot locate the log collector, please browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda RMM\Device Manager\MWDiagnosticCollector
Run the MWDiagnosticCollector.exe and wait for the console window to close.
Collect the MWDiagnosticCollectorResult_XXXX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX.zip created in the folder
Device Manager on macOS
Open the Finder
Navigate to /var/tmp/avg/ for install logs
Navigate to /Applications/Managed Workplace/Onsite Manager/logs/ for the operations logs
ZIP all the logs together
Service Center on Windows
Open File Explorer
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Barracuda RMM\Service Center\MWDiagnosticCollector
Partners who upgraded from Barracuda RMM 12 SP4 (or older) will navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Level Platforms\Service Center\MWDiagnosticCollector
Run the MWDiagnosticCollector.exe and wait for the console window to close.
Collect the MWDiagnosticCollectorResult_XXXX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX.zip created in the folder
Avast Business from the end device
Download the Avast Support Tool from Avast: http://utils.support.tools.avast.com/tools/support/utils/avastsupport.exe
Select Next
Fill in an email address (as it is required)
Select Options on the bottom left
Uncheck Automatically send to AVAST
Click OK and Generate
Collect the logs (a link is supplied after running the tool to the log location)
Obtaining other less common requests
Advanced Software Management (ASM) logs: C:\ProgramData\Barracuda MSP\Managed Workplace\PatchTools\Logs\
Premium Remote Control (PRC) end device logs: C:\Program Files (x86)\Avast\Premium Remote Agent\sessions
Windows Update Log