The silent.cmd setup is a comprehensive installation method, allowing you to fully preconfigure all Network Access Client settings remotely on multiple installation systems. The silent.cmd setup installs the Barracuda Network Access Client and its components and requires administrator rights on the target system. Only experienced system administrators should perform this method.
Installation Using a silent.cmd File
Prepare the install file and execute an unattended customer setup.
Step 1. Prepare the silent.cmd File
Save the following to silent.cmd:
@echo off
REM installs VPN-only version of NAC (VPN components + Virtual Adapter)
REM use "PROGTYPE=ENTEGRA" instead to also install NAC/Firewall components
start /wait BarracudaNAC.exe /clone_wait /s /v"/qr PROGTYPE=VPN REBOOT=Suppress"
REM uncomment to import custom application settings (e.g. VPN profiles)
REM reg import mysettings.reg
To install the VPN-only plus the credential provider, replace the install command in the script above with the following:
start /wait BarracudaNAC.exe /clone_wait /s /v"/qr PROGTYPE=VPN ADDLOCAL=CommonCore,DrvCudaVPN,x64VPN,x64CredProv REBOOT=Suppress"
To install the full client (ENTEGRA option) plus the credential provider, replace the install command in the script above with the following:
start /wait BarracudaNAC.exe /clone_wait /s /v"/qr PROGTYPE=VPN ADDLOCAL=CommonCore,DrvCudaVPN,x64VPN,DrvSPAC,x64Firewall,DrvProcmonD,x64CredProv REBOOT=Suppress"
The registry file (mysettings.reg
) is used for optional import of custom application settings (e.g., VPN profiles) as they can be found in HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Phion\.
To create this file, open regedit on a preconfigured machine, export the registry key as given above, and save it as mysettings.reg
Step 2. Copy the silent.cmd File to the Setup Directory
- Copy the
file to the folder containing theBarracudaNAC.exe
Step 3. Execute the Installation
- Execute the
file to trigger an unattended customer setup.
After installing the client, you can connect and configure the settings. Continue with Getting Started.