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Barracuda Network Access Client

How to Use the Barracuda Personal Firewall

  • Last updated on

The Barracuda Personal Firewall is a centrally managed host firewall that can handle up to four different rulesets at once, depending on the policy applicable to user, machine, date, and time. In the Barracuda Personal Firewall interface, you can edit the Local Machine ruleset, adjust the security level, and monitor activities and events in live and history mode.

Selecting the Firewall Mode

  1. Open the configuration screen of the Barracuda Personal Firewall.

  2. Click the ALT key to display the menu bar on top of the configuration window (use the ALT key to open or close the menu bar):


  3. To open the functional firewall mode selection, expand the Security Mode menu.
    You can select one of the following functional firewall modes in the context menu of the system tray icon:

    • Block All

    • Secure Mode

    • Disable Firewall (Allow all Traffic)

Do not directly switch from Disable Firewall (Allow all Traffic) to Block All. Always select Secure Mode as the intermediate step.

The load display on the top right of the Summary window shows the overall traffic load processed by the Barracuda Personal Firewall.


Selecting the Ruleset

Click Ruleset Selection in the bottom left menu to select one of the available rulesets for viewing. The Local Machine ruleset is selected by default. Only the Local Machine ruleset may be edited in the Barracuda Personal Firewall.


To learn how to configure centrally managed Personal Firewall rulesets on the Barracuda CloudGen Firewall, see How to Configure Personal Firewall Rules on the CloudGen Firewall

The Personal Firewall Menu Bar

Clicking the ALT key makes the following options available (use the ALT key to open or close the menu bar):


File Menu
  • Save Configuration – Saves configuration changes immediately. To save configuration changes after prior confirmation inquiry, click the Save Configuration link within the configuration item bar.

  • Settings – Select this item to adjust general behavior of the Barracuda Barracuda Personal Firewall.
    You can configure the following parameters:

    • Firewall Settings Tab – Configure various firewall settings here.

      • Log dropped packets / Log successful connections – Select these check boxes to activate logging for dropped packets and / or successful connections.

      • File name – Path and name of the VPN client log file. By default, the file is saved to: C:\Program Files\BarracudaNG\phlog.txt

      • Size limit – Maximum size in KByte for the log file.

      • IP Monitor – Selecting this check box (default) activates the dynamic updating of network objects (see Network Objects).

      • Automatic Adapter Assignment – Selecting this check box (default) activates the dynamic updating of network interface adapters. If active, network adapters are automatically added to the Adapter Objects configuration area as soon as they are used for the first time (see Adapter Objects).

      • Disable Windows Firewall – Selecting this check box (default) disables the Windows firewall if it is installed.

      • Block all IP Fragments – By default, IP fragments are generally allowed to pass the firewall notwithstanding the configured ruleset. Select this check box to block IP fragments.

    • ICMP Parameters Tab – Configure the blocking of ICMP packets here.

    • ICMPv6 Error Messages Tab – By default, IPv6 packets are generally allowed to pass the firewall notwithstanding the configured ruleset. Select these check boxes to block IPv6 packets.

  • Export Firewall Ruleset – This item allows you to export the ruleset from the Barracuda Personal Firewall to a text file.

  • Import Firewall Ruleset – This item allows you to import a ruleset into the VPN client. The ruleset may either originate from another Barracuda Personal Firewall or from a firewall configured on a Barracuda CloudGen Firewall.

  • Close Firewall Window – Selecting this item closes the Barracuda Personal Firewall configuration window.

View Menu
  • DCERPC List – Status of each DCERPC communication slot. For detailed information concerning DCERPC, see the Barracuda CloudGen Firewall documentation.

  • Access Control Server IPs – Displays every Access Control Server the client knows of.

  • Activated Application Time Frame Rules – Displays rules with a configured time frame.

  • Route Advertise List – Displays route advertising information.

Security Mode Menu

The items in the Security Mode menu allow you to adjust the security level of the Barracuda Personal Firewall.

  • Block All – Prohibit all traffic.

  • Secure Mode – Activate customized firewall rulesets.

  • Disable Firewall (Allow All Traffic) – Turn the firewall off and allow all traffic.

  • Process Monitor – Generate an entry in the Events monitor for every process initiation. The load display is a graphical view of current incoming and outgoing connections. The dimensions of the graphs depend on the current peak load. The last graph (Block) depicts the amount of blocked connections.

  • Adapter Reset – Resets adapters to initial state.

  • Increase permissions – Change administrative firewall permissions.

Help Menu

This section offers online help and displays product information.

Monitoring Personal Firewall Activities

The Firewall menu in the left navigation bar provides access to the Life Activity view. Items arranged in the Life Activity view give a review of application activities in the Barracuda Personal Firewall. The Life Activity view is divided into the following sub-items:


In the Summary window, the current security state is indicated as following:

  • Disabled – By default (after a fresh installation), the firewall is in disabled state. Click the link to enable the secure mode.

  • Secure – The secure firewall mode is active. Click the link to deactivate any impacts of the configured ruleset.

The Summary view gives a quick comparative overview of the 5 most used Ports, Active Internet, and Blocked Applications.



The History view details the entire network traffic (established connections and connection attempts) that appeared since the last system boot. The listing is divided into the following columns:

  • Direction – Flags the connection direction (Incoming icon, Outgoing icon).

  • Connection State – Flags the connection state (Granted connections icon, Blocked connection attempts icon, Failed connection attempts icon).

  • Date/Time – Date and time of traffic initiation.

  • Application – Name of the application.

  • Protocol – Protocol assigned to the application.

  • Source – Source IP of the connection.

  • Destination – Destination IP of the connection.

  • Port – Connection port.

  • User – Name of the user who initiated the connection attempt.

  • Traffic Policy – Name of the effective firewall rule.

  • Info – Connection status (passed, blocked, failed).

  • Count – Total number of connections processed over this slot.

  • Last – Time passed since the last traffic activity over this slot.

  • Service – Affected service object or UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier).

  • Adapter – NIC that was used for connection.

  • AID – Unique Access ID of the connection.

Select and then right-click a list entry to display the following context menu:

  • Show Details – Select Show Details or double-click a list entry to view a summary of connection details.

  • Show Rule – Displays rule information if applicable.

  • Expand/Collapse all – Expands/collapses the entry list.

  • Resolve Source/Destination IP – Tries to resolve the source and destination IP adresses and summarizes the results (port, IP address, hostname, and description) in a separate window.

  • Send to Rule Tester – Inserts the connection details into the rule tester and opens the rule tester window.

  • Add Pass Rule – Inserts the connection details into a new rule with default action Pass and opens the rule object window for editing.

  • Add Block Rule – Inserts the connection details into a new rule with default action Block and opens the rule object window for editing.

  • Flush History – Clears all entries from the history listing.

  • Details View – Displays rule information if applicable.

  • Group by – Groups list entries by the selected item.

  • Ungroup – Undoes the Group by command and sorts the connection entries into a successive listing.

  • Tools – Offers the standard Tools context menu.

In the History Selection tab, the following check boxes are available for fast and easy filtering.

  • Access – Only displays connections that have been granted (marked with a green dot).

  • Rule Block – Only displays connection attempts that have been blocked (marked with a red square).

  • Fail – Only displays connection attempts that have failed (marked with an exclamation mark).

  • Show all Ethernet protocols – Additionally displays connection attempts over protocols other than TCP, UDP, or ICMP.

  • Show Hostnames – Translates IP addresses into hostnames, if possible.

After each selection change, click the refresh arrows icon to refresh the view. Click the Group History by link to sort listing entries by topic.

In the History Filter tab, filter conditions can be set to confine the view to the minimum desired number of entries. If filters apply, the History Filter tab is highlighted in yellow. Select the check box on the right side of an available filter to activate it and insert the condition to apply.

  • Policy – Filter the connection’s traffic policy.

  • Source – Filter the source IP address of the connection.

  • Application – Filter the application that has attempted to connect.

  • In/Out – Filter incoming or outgoing connections.

  • Protocol – Filter a connection protocol.

  • Destination – Filter the destination IP address of the connection.

  • Port – Filter a connection port.

  • Show matching entries / Hide matching entries – Toggle between displaying and hiding the matching entries.

Live Activity

The Live Activity view details all currently active connections. The listing is divided into the following columns:

  • Direction Flags the connection direction (Outgoing connections icon, Incoming connections icon).

  • Load – Displays the current connection load using a bar graph.

  • Date/Time – Date and time of traffic initiation.

  • Application – Application name and its PID (Process ID).

  • Protocol – Protocol assigned to the application.

  • Source – Source IP address of the connection.

  • Destination – Destination IP address of the connection.

  • Port – Connection port.

  • User – Name of the user who has initiated the connection attempt.

  • Policy – Name of the effective firewall rule.

  • bps – Connection load in bits per second.

  • Idle – Idle time of the connection.

  • Total – Total amount of traffic summarized from incoming (In column) and outgoing (Out column).

  • Start – Time that has passed since the connection's initiation.

  • Action – Action affecting the connection.

  • Service – Affected service object or UUID (universal unique identifier).

  • ID – Internal slot ID.

  • Session Timeout – Effective connection state or current session timeout value. 

Select and right-click a list entry to display the following context menu:

  • Show Details – Select Show Details or double-click a list entry in order to view a summary of the connection details.

  • Show Rule – Shows the effective firewall rule.

  • Disconnect – Terminates the selected connection.

  • Resolve Source/Destination IP – Tries to resolve the source and destination IP addresses and summarizes the results (port, IP address, hostname, and description) in a separate window.

Entries displayed in italics indicate closed connections waiting for RST-ACK (reset acknowledgement). The closed connections must wait for RST-ACK so they are not blocked by the firewall.

Click the Filter button on the top right to open the Filter Condition window. This allows you to specify filter conditions in order to confine the view to the minimum desired number of entries. Click Activate to activate the filter settings. Click Disable to deactivate the filter settings. After specifying a filter, click the Refresh icon to refresh the view.

Click Capture to record traffic processed over the network interface. Administrator rights are required to use the Capture option. The data acquired is saved as a.cap file in the local folder of the VPN client (usually C:\Program Files\Barracuda).

A special viewer is needed for viewing network traffic recorded in.cap files. You may use, e.g., wireshark for this purpose; it's downloadable at


The Events view details all applications that are currently or have been executed on the system. Double-click a list entry to view event details. Select Reload Logs from the context menu to reload the display of logged entries. The listing is divided into the following columns:

  • Date – Date and time the connection has been initiated.

  • Action – Type of recorded action: System Information, Monitored connection, or Informational message.

  • Application – The application that initiated the connection and assigned the port over which the connection is processed.

  • Parent – Parent process that initiated the application.

  • Access – Status and direction assigned to the connection. An application can either be in Process started or Process ended state, and the connection direction can either be Outbound or Inbound

  • User – The user object assigned to the connection (see also: User Objects).

  • Object – Full path to the application responsible for the connection.  

The Filter section allows you to define filters in order to narrow down the view in the event listing. Select the check box assigned to an item to activate filter effectiveness, and select or insert the desired filter value. Click Refresh to apply the filter settings.