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Barracuda WAF Control Center

How to Update Your Notification Email Addresses

  • Last updated on

In order to prevent the impersonation of our trusted brand and avoid any confusion and risk for our customers, Barracuda Networks is taking steps to harden our email-sending domains to enforce DMARC policy. This important measure will prevent the potential threat of an adversary looking to impersonate Barracuda Networks to cause any harm to our customers. 

As we implement this control, we advise all of our customers to change their notification email address(s) on their Barracuda Networks appliance(s) to use their domain/email address instead of 'Barracuda'. Please do so to ensure your email provider accepts your notification emails from your Barracuda Networks appliance. 

Here are instructions to assist with the change:

  1. Go to the BASIC > Administration page.
  2. Scroll down to the Email Notifications section and set the following fields to an address using one of your organization's domains, not '':
    • System Alerts Email Address
    • System Contact Email Address
    • System Email Reply Address
  3. Click SAVE.