Allow/Deny rules are used to define strict access control rules for the services. Requests to the service are allowed or denied based on the URL ACL and Header ACL configuration. For more information, see Allow/Deny Rules for Headers and URLs.
This image shows the enforcement points for Allow/Deny rules in the Request/Response flow:
Allow/Deny Rules for URLs
To Add a URL ACL Rule
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/url_adrs | |||
Method: POST | |||
Description: Creates an access control (ACL) rule for the specified URL. | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
name | Alphanumeric | Yes | A name for the URL ACL. |
enable | String | Yes | Apply the URL ACL rule to the service. The values include:
host_match | Alphanumeric | Yes | A hostname to be matched against the host in the request. |
url_match | URL | Yes | A URL to be matched to the URL in the request. |
extended_match | String | Yes | An expression that consists of a combination of HTTP headers and/or query string parameters. |
extended_match_sequence | Numeric | Optional | A number to indicate the order in which the extended match rule must be evaluated in the requests. |
action | Enumeration | Optional | The action to be taken on the request matching the URL. The enumerated values include:
deny_response | Enumeration | Conditional | The response to be sent to the client if the request is denied. A deny response is used when the action is set to "deny_and_log” or “deny_with_no_log”. The enumerated values include:
response_page | Enumeration | Conditional | The response page to be sent to the client, if “deny_response” is set to "response_page". The enumerated values include:
redirect_url | Alphanumeric | Conditional | The URL to redirect the request if action or deny_response is set to temporary_redirect or permanent_redirect . It can be a fully qualified URL (like or a full path (like /index.html). |
Follow Up Action | Enumeration
| Optional
| The follow-up action to be taken whenever the request is denied. The enumerated values include:
Follow Up Action Time | Numeric | Optional | Sets the time (sec) to block the client IP if Follow Up Action is set to Block Client-IP. The time can range between 1 to 600000 seconds. |
curl -u 'eyJldCIFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"name": "url_test1","host_match":"*","url_match":"/index.html","extended_match":"*","response_page":"default"}'
To Retrieve URL ACL Rules
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/{url_adr_id} | |||
Method: GET | |||
Description: Lists all URL ACLs if “url_adr_id” is not specified. | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
parameters | Alphanumeric | Optional | Any specific parameter name that needs to be retrieved. |
Example 1:
curl -u 'eyJldCI6WluIn0=\n:' -X GET
{"parameters":null,"object":"URL: Allow/Deny Rules","data":[{"enable":"on","extended_match_sequence":"1","name":"url_test1","deny_response":"response_page","comments":"","host_match":"*","extended_match":"*","response_page":"default","url_match":"/index.html","redirect_url":"","action":"process","id":"url_test1"}],"limit":null,"service_id":"HTTP1","token":"eyJldCImFkbWluIn0=\n","offset":null}
Example 2:
curl -u 'eyJldCI6FkbWluIn0=\n:' -X GET
Response: {"enable":"on","extended_match_sequence":"1","name":"url_test1","deny_response":"response_page","comments":"","host_match":"*","extended_match":"*","response_page":"default","url_match":"/index.html","redirect_url":"","action":"process","id":"url_test1","token":"eyJldCI6FkbWluIn0=\n"}
To Update a URL ACL Rule
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{{virtual_service_id}/url_adrs/{url_adr_id} | |||
Method: PUT | |||
Description: Updates a URL ACL rule with the given values. | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
enable | String | Yes | Apply the URL ACL rule to the Service. The values include:
host_match | Alphanumeric | Optional | A hostname to be matched against the host in the request. |
extended_match | String | Optional | An expression that consists of a combination of HTTP headers and/or query string parameters. |
extended_match_sequence | Numeric | Optional | A number to indicate the order in which the extended match rule must be evaluated in the requests. |
action | Enumeration | Optional | The action to be taken on the request matching the URL. The enumerated values include:
deny_response | Enumeration | Optional | The response to be sent to the client if the request is denied. A deny response is used when the action is set to "deny_and_log” or “deny_with_no_log”. The enumerated values include:
response_page | Enumeration | Optional | The response page to be sent to the client, if “deny_response” is set to "response_page". The enumerated values include:
redirect_url | Alphanumeric | Optional | The URL to redirect the request if action or deny_response is set to temporary_redirect or permanent_redirect . It can be a fully qualified URL (like or a full path (like /index.html). |
curl -u 'eyJldCI6IjEFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"url_match":"/index1.html","host_match":""}'
To Delete a URL ACL Rule
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/url_adrs/{url_adr_id} | ||
Method: DELETE | ||
Description: Deletes the given URL ACL rule. |
curl -u 'eyJldCI6FkbWluIn0=\n:' -X DELETE
{"msg":"Successfully deleted","token":"eyJldCmFkbWluIn0=\n"}
Allow/Deny Rules for Headers
To Add a Header ACL
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/header_adrs | |||
Method: POST | |||
Description: Creates a header ACL rule with the given values. | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
name | Alphanumeric | Yes | A name for the header ACL. |
header_name | Alphanumeric | Yes | Name of the header to be matched in the request. |
status | String | Yes | Apply the Header ACL rule to the service. The values include:
mode | String | Optional | The mode to determine how the service responds to the offending traffic. The enumerated values include:
max_header_value_length | Numeric | Optional | Maximum allowable length for the header. |
denied_metachars | String | Optional | Metacharacters to be denied in the request header value. |
curl -u 'eyJldCI6IjkbWluIn0=\n:' -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"name": "test2","header_name":"test2"}'
To Retrieve Header ACL
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/{header_adr_id} | |||
Method: GET | |||
Description: Lists all header ACLs if “header_adr_id” is not specified. | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
parameters | Alphanumeric | Optional | Any specific parameter name that needs to be retrieved. |
Example 1:
curl -u 'eyJldCmFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X GET
{"parameters":null,"object":"URL: Allow/Deny Rules","data":[{"denied_metachars":"%00%04%1b%08%7f","mode":"ACTIVE","status":"on","name":"test1","header_name":"prashu1","id":"test1","comments":null,"max_header_value_length":"512"},{"denied_metachars":"%00%04","mode":"PASSIVE","status":"on","name":"test2","header_name":"test2","id":"test2","comments":"test","max_header_value_length":"4"}],"limit":null,"service_id":"HTTP1","token":"eyJldluIn0=\n",
Example 2:
curl -u 'eyJldCI6IjbWluIn0=\n:' -X GET
To Update a Header ACL
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/header_adrs/{header_adr_id} | |||
Method: PUT | |||
Description: Updates a header ACL with the given values. | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
status | String | Yes | Apply the Header ACL rule to the service. The values include:
mode | String | Optional | The mode to determine how the service responds to the offending traffic. The enumerated values include:
max_header_value_length | Numeric | Optional | Maximum allowable length for the header. |
denied_metachars | String | Optional | Metacharacters to be denied in the request header value. |
blocked_attack_types | String | Optional | Attack types that needs to be matched with the values of the specified header. The values include:
custom_blocked_attack_types | String | Optional | Custom attack types to be matched with the values of the specified header. |
Example 1:
curl -u 'eyJldCIFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"max_header_value_length":"4","comments":"test","mode":"PASSIVE","denied_metachars":"%00%04"}'
Example 2:
curl -u 'eyJldCI6IjE0NDI1NDg4MjAiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6Ijc0MmVlN2UxNmJlNTY5MDQ1N2ZhY2M0ZTE3\nYjM1Y2E4IiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"max_header_value_length":"4","comments":"test","mode":"PASSIVE","denied_metachars":"%00%04","custom_blocked_attack_types":["barr"],"blocked_attack_types":["remote_file_inclusion","cross_site_scripting"]}'
To Delete a Header ACL
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/header_adrs/{header_adr_id} |
Method: DELETE |
Description: Deletes the given header ACL. |
curl -u 'eyJldCI6IjE0NDY1MzgyOTEiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjI4MmZjMDZiZWM5MTkxNDEzYWIzM2U1YTUw\nZGRjNzU3IiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X DELETE
{"msg":"Successfully deleted","token":"eyJldCI6IjE0NDY1NDA4MjQiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6ImVmZmQwNDA5M2IyNWMxYjQzOGJlZDdhMDhk\nMGRlOWRiIiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n"}