Advanced Security
Advanced Security allows you to set the policies like data theft protection, brute force prevention and virus scan on a key which is defined by the URL, domain and HTTP headers.
To Add an URL Policy
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/advanced_security | |||
Method: POST | |||
Description: Creates an URL policy with the given values. | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
name | Alphanumeric | Yes | The name of the new URL policy. |
status | String | Optional | Apply the URL policy to the Service. The values include:
host_match | Alphanumeric | Yes | A host name to be matched against the host in the request. |
url_match | URL | Yes | A URL to be matched to the URL in the request. |
extended_match | String | Yes | An expression that consists of a combination of HTTP headers and/or query string parameters. For information on how to write extended match expressions, refer Extended Match Syntax Help. |
extended_match_sequence | Numeric | Optional | A number to indicate the order in which the extended match rule must be evaluated in the requests. |
mode | String | Optional | The mode of action for request violations matching the URL Policy. The values include:
parse_urls_in_scripts | String | Optional | Controls whether to parse URLs in the scripts so that they can be used for URL translation or instant SSL. The values include:
enable_virus_scan | String | Optional | Scans all files uploaded through multipart/form-data messages for the presence of viruses. Requests containing virus signatures are denied. The values include:
enable_data_theft_protection | String | Optional | Enable data theft protection for the service. When this is enabled and the parameter "Enabled" is set to "Yes" on the SECURITY POLICIES > Data Theft Protection page, all URL policies will look for the data type element (configured on the SECURITY POLICIES > Data Theft Protection page) in server response pages. The values include:
enable_bruteforce_prevention | String | Optional | Enable bruteforce attack prevention for the URL policy. The values include:
rate_control_pool | Enumeration | Optional | The rate control pool(s) defined on the ADVANCED > Libraries page (if any). |
web_scraping_policy | Enumeration | Optional | The web scraping policy that needs to be associated with the URL policy of the service. A web scraping policy can be created on the WEBSITES > Web Scraping page. |
curl -u'eyJldCI6IjE0NzMzMTUxMTYiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6ImU3MGZlNzFjMTNkZGNhMDAyZTgzNTk3YzZl\nYTg2MmQ1IiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d'{"name":"policy","host_match":"","url_match":"/frames/deeptree/start_11.php/indexing/","extended_match":"*","extended_match_sequence":"1","status":"on","mode":"active","parse_urls_in_scripts":"yes","enable_virus_scan":"yes","enable_bruteforce_prevention":"yes","enable_data_theft_protection":"yes","rate_control_pool":"default-pool"}'
To Update an URL Policy
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/advanced_security/{URL_policy_id} | |||
Method: PUT | |||
Description: Updates the values of given parameters in the given URL policy | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
status | String | Optional | Apply the URL policy to the Service. The values include:
host_match | Alphanumeric | Optional | A host name to be matched against the host in the request. |
url_match | URL | Optional | A URL to be matched to the URL in the request. |
extended_match | String | Optional | An expression that consists of a combination of HTTP headers and/or query string parameters. For information on how to write extended match expressions, refer Extended Match Syntax Help. |
extended_match_sequence | Numeric | Optional | A number to indicate the order in which the extended match rule must be evaluated in the requests. |
mode | String | Optional | The mode of action for request violations matching the URL Policy. The values include:
parse_urls_in_scripts | String | Optional | Controls whether to parse URLs in the scripts so that they can be used for URL translation or instant SSL. The values include:
enable_virus_scan | String | Optional | Scans all files uploaded through multipart/form-data messages for the presence of viruses. Requests containing virus signatures are denied. The values include:
response_charset | Enumeration | Optional | The character set to be used in the response page. The enumerated values include:
web_scraping_policy | Enumeration | Optional | The web scraping policy that needs to be associated with the URL policy of the service. A web scraping policy can be created on the WEBSITES > Web Scraping page. |
enable_data_theft_protection | String | Optional | Enable data theft protection for the service. When this is enabled and the parameter "Enabled" is set to "Yes" on the SECURITY POLICIES > Data Theft Protection page, all URL policies will look for the data type element (configured on the SECURITY POLICIES > Data Theft Protection page) in server response pages. The values include:
rate_control_pool | Enumeration | Optional | The rate control pool(s) defined on the ADVANCED > Libraries page (if any). |
enable_bruteforce_prevention | String | Optional | Enable bruteforce attack prevention for the URL policy. The values include:
enable_invalid_status_code_only | String | Optional | Monitors and counts only invalid requests from a single client or all sources. If set to no, it counts both valid and invalid requests from a single client or all sources. It blocks the requests when it exceeds the specified value in max_allowed_accesses_per_ip and max_allowed_accesses_from_all_sources. The values include:
count_window | Numeric | Optional | The time in seconds for allowing the maximum number of requests as per the settings in the parameter max_allowed_accesses_per_ip or max_allowed_accesses_from_all_sources.
max_allowed_accesses_per_ip | Numeric | Optional | The maximum number of requests allowed per IP address to access the service, if the parameter counting_criterion is set to per_ip. |
counting_criterion | String | Optional | The criteria for allowing the requests. The values include:
exception_clients | Alphanumeric | Optional | The IP addresses that should be exempted (not locked out). You can enter a single, or a range of IP addresses, or a combination of both with comma (,) as a delimiter without any space. Example:,, The range of IP addresses must be separated with a hyphen (-). Example: This makes an exception list of client IPs (permitted users). Ensure that there are no overlapping IP ranges. |
curl -u'eyJldCI6IjE0NzMzMTUxMTYiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6ImU3MGZlNzFjMTNkZGNhMDAyZTgzNTk3YzZl\nYTg2MmQ1IiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -d'{"enable_invalid_status_code_only":"yes","count_window":"20","max_allowed_accesses_per_ip":"11","counting_criterion":"all_sources","exception_clients":""}'
To Delete a URL Policy
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/advanced_security/{url_policy-id} |
Method: DELETE |
Description: Deletes the given URL policy. |
curl -u'eyJldCI6IjE0NjQyNTQwOTUiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjljZmQwMDM4NWE2NzZlYmZkMjQxNTczYTkx\nODRlM2FmIiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X DELETE
{"msg":"Successfully deleted","token":"eyJldCI6IjE0NzMzMTcwNjkiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjA2MTdhODQ5OTA5YzllOTlkNmYzOTMyMjg4\nODcxNmQxIiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n"}
Clickjacking Protection
Clickjacking (also known as UI redressing and iframe overlay) is a malicious technique where an attacker tricks a user to click on a button or link on a website by hiding clickable elements inside an invisible iframe. By this, the attacker hijacks the clicks meant for the actual page and routes the user to another page which is owned by another application, domain or both. The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to detect and prevent such iframe based UI redressing. The Barracuda Web Application Firewall inserts the X-Frame-Options header to determine whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a "iframe", and if allowed, the iframe origin that needs to be matched. For more information, refer to Enabling Clickjacking Protection for a Service.
To Update a Clickjacking Protection Policy for a Service
URL: /v1/virtual_services/{virtual_service_id}/clickjacking_protection | |||
Method: PUT | |||
Description: Updates the values of given parameters in the given clickjacking protection policy | |||
Parameter Name | Data Type | Mandatory | Description |
Input Parameters: | |||
status | String | Optional | Insert the “X-Frame-Options” header in the responses. The values include:
render_page_inside_iframe | String | Optional | The option to render the page. The values include:
allowed_origin_uri | Alphanumeric | Optional | The origin URI that needs to be rendered even if it is in an iframe when render_page_inside_iframe is set to allowed_origin. |
curl -u'eyJldCI6IjE0NzMzMTcwNjkiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjA2MTdhODQ5OTA5YzllOTlkNmYzOTMyMjg4\nODcxNmQxIiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n:' -X PUT -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"status":"on","render_page_inside_iframe":"allowed_origin","allowed_origin_uri":"/data/index/cgi"}'
{"msg":"Configuration Updated","token":"eyJldCI6IjE0NzMzMTgxNjciLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjViNDA5YzAwM2RmMjI3NWZmMzZjMWM5YzE1\nNDNmYmI5IiwidXNlciI6ImFkbWluIn0=\n"}