Please Read Before Updating
Before updating to a new firmware version, be sure to back up your configuration and read the release notes for each firmware version that you will apply.
Do not manually reboot your system at any time during an update, unless otherwise instructed by Barracuda Networks Technical Support. The update process typically takes only a few minutes to apply. If the process takes longer, please contact Barracuda Networks Technical Support for assistance.
Fixes and Enhancements in 10.1.1 Cloud
- Feature: The Barracuda CloudGen WAF now supports the Azure IPv6 feature. [BNWF-46846]
- Feature: The Barracuda CloudGen WAF now supports Azure managed identities for secure authentication.[BNWF-46597]
- Feature: Non-Cloud Barracuda WAFs now support Config Sync-based HA where an "n" node (n>=2) cluster can be deployed with all nodes in Active-Active state. [BNWF-46812]
- Enhancement: The Configuration JSON can now be restored on clustered Barracuda CloudGen WAFs. [BNWF-47004]
- Enhancement: Barracuda CloudGen WAF can now be deployed on the newer Azure instance types. [BNWF-33519]
- Fix: A networking corruption that occurred during the basic bootstrapping scenario in AWS has been fixed. [BNWF-47241]
- Fix: Export of WAF logs to the AWS CloudWatch service that was not working after join cluster has been fixed. [BNWF-47151]
- Fix: An issue with the server hostname resolution that occurred when the syslog server hostname was getting changed has been fixed. [BNWF-47075]
Fix: An issue where the SNI domain bindings was getting corrupted when Let's Encrypt Certificates were auto renewed has been fixed. [BNWF-46751]
Fix: An issue where some of the services were showing an incorrect status on the console during the system startup sequence has been fixed. [BNWF-46590]
Fix: An issue where JSON API was failing while importing large files has been fixed. [BNWF-46211]
- Fix:: An issue where the UI intermittently was failing during the import of OpenAPI Spec files containing Japanese characters has been fixed. [BNWF-45843]
- Fix: An issue where the scheduled configuration JSON settings were not getting synchronized in cluster has been fixed. [BNWF-45682]