The BASIC > Audit Log page displays updates to the configuration settings of the Barracuda Web Security Gateway in conjunction with Role-based Administration. This log provides the following information:
- Date and time the Barracuda Web Security Gateway processed the operation.
- The name of the user that did the operation.
- The role assigned to the user that did the operation.
- The action performed by the user that did the operation:
- add- Added a value for a field in the configuration.
- set - Set a value for a field in the configuration.
- del - Deleted a value for a field in the configuration.
- The scope, or area of the Barracuda Web Security Gateway affected by the operation:
- global - Applies to global level variables in the configuration.
- domain - Applies to a variable associated with a particular domain.
- user - Applies to a particular Barracuda Web Security Gateway user account.
- policy - Operation was done to a variable for which you can select a Policy of either Authenticated or Unauthenticated users. For example, BLOCK/ACCEPT > Content Filters, or BLOCK/ACCEPT > Applications.
- Detailed information about the operation.
- Which configuration variable affected by the operation, if any.
- Original value before the operation
- Changed value after the operation.
Log data can be exported to CSV file, and the rate of data streaming to the log can be adjusted.