To set up WatchGuard Collector, follow the procedures below:
- Enable WatchGuard Collector
- Install the XDR Collector
- Open the Port on the XDR Collector Host
Enable WatchGuard Collector
- In Barracuda XDR Dashboard, navigate to Administration > Integrations.
- On the WatchGuard Collector card, click Setup.
- Select the Enable check box.
- Click Save.
Install the XDR Collector
- If you haven't already set up the XDR Collector, do one of the following:
Configure the Firewall
- To add a Syslog server to the WatchGuard Firewall, follow the steps in the Watchguard documentation.
- When entering the necessary information for each syslog server that is added, make sure that the port is pointing to 9270, not to the default port that is mentioned in the documentation.
Open the Port on the XDR Collector Host
Ensure incoming traffic is allowed on UDP port 9270.
sudo ufw allow 9270/udp
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WatchGuard Events" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=9270