This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne version 6.6 and later.
- If you have an Exchange online-only environment, see How to Reconfigure ArchiveOne Exchange Online Migration
- If you have a hybrid environment, see How to Reconfigure ArchiveOne for a Hybrid Exchange Online Migration
Use the steps in this article to uninstall and then reinstall ArchiveOne to change the Exchange Server to which ArchiveOne connects.
Step 1. Determine Existing Configuration
Prior to uninstalling, determine your existing configuration so that you can re-enter these details during the new installation. For more information, refer to How to Determine the Current Installation Configuration Settings.
Step 2. Uninstall ArchiveOne
Use the following steps to uninstall ArchiveOne:
On the Archive server, open the Control Panel.
- Under Programs, click Uninstall a program.
- Select ArchiveOne Enterprise from the program list, and then click Uninstall. Allow the uninstallation process to complete.
Step 3. Install ArchiveOne
Use the following steps to reinstall ArchiveOne:
- On the Archive server, right-click Archive One Setup Enterprise.version.exe and select Run as administrator.
- Complete the installation as per Step 3 - Install the ArchiveOne Service and Components, entering the configuration information from Step 1. Determine Existing Configuration.
- The ArchiveOne installer will automatically detect the appropriate Exchange server to connect to. If there are no on-premises Exchange servers detected, ArchiveOne will configure itself for connection to Office 365.
- Note that for Office 365 environments, additional steps are required to configure the appropriate permissions for online mailboxes: How to Configure Exchange Online Permissions