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Barracuda CloudGen Firewall

9.0.4 Release Notes

  • Last updated on

As the CloudGen Firewall has evolved over the years with its increasing number of features, the Release Notes articles have grown accordingly. This, in turn, has also added greatly to the number of entries in the menu column.

To make the Release Notes articles easier to read, they are now equipped with support elements that provide a better overview of all sections contained while making it easier to navigate between and inside these sections.

Each of these sections can be expanded and collapsed separately to show only what you are interested in. Simply click below a header line to expand or collapse a section.

Note that depending on a certain release, the sections can vary both in content and number. In addition, a headline may be attributed by certain symbols with the following meaning:

red_warning_tiny.png Critical information to be considered.

yellow_warning_tiny.png Important information included in the section.

update_tiny.png Updated information available.

feature-related.png Product-related information, e.g., new features, solved bugs.

know_issues_tiny.png Product-related information that relates to known bugs.

Note that regular information boxes in blue are not explicitly marked in the headline but may still appear in a section.

Each section can be expanded individually for informational or printing purposes.


Important Announcements and Notes for Release 9.0.4

Read this section before you continue with the Release Notes below.


SSH DSA-keys are no longer regarded to be secure enough. [BNNGF-94751]
Consider that they will be removed in the upcoming major 10.0 firmware release!

End-of-Life and End-of-Support Status

For information on which devices and services have reached EoL or EoS, see:

CloudGen Access Proxy

When updating HA systems with the CloudGen Access Proxy enabled, you must reconfigure the proxy to generate a new enrollment URL. For more information, see CloudGen Access Proxy.

Using Special Characters when Creating a Section in the Forwarding Ruleset

With the release of the preceding firmware version 9.0.3, ‘-' is the only special character that is allowed to be used in firewall section names.

SAML Authentication

Updating to the preceding firmware version 9.0.3 disables SAML authentication. SAML authentication needs to be re-enabled again if configured before the update. See


General and Maintenance Information for the 9.0.4 Release Notes 

Firmware version 9.0.4 is a minor release.

Before installing the new firmware version:

Do not manually reboot your system at any time during the update unless otherwise instructed by Barracuda Networks Technical Support. Upgrading can take up to 60 minutes.

To keep our customers informed, the history of this Release Notes article, the "Known Issues" list (at the end of this article), and the release of hotfixes resolving these known issues are now updated regularly. If there are intermediate updates to this release, the corresponding notes can be found in this info box.

18.12.2024 – Release of firmware 9.0.4.

Recommendations and Prerequisites for Running Firmware Release 9.0.4

Use the Appropriate Firewall Admin Release

Barracuda Networks recommends using the latest version of Firewall Admin for a new firmware release.

As of the public availability of firmware 9.0.4, Barracuda Networks recommends using at least Firewall Admin version 9.0.4. You can download this version here:

Unlike in firmware 9.0.0 where Firewall Admin 9.0 no longer displayed GTI for firmware versions earlier than 9.0, this limitation has been removed as of release 9.0.1. Firewall Admin now displays GTI for Control Centers < = 8.3.

However, because WANopt is no longer supported, note that Firewall Admin now ignores all WANopt settings from GTI regardless of the version.

Who Can Update to Firmware Release 9.0.4

Read the Migration Notes 9.0.4 before updating to firmware 9.0.4.

For more information on the migration process, see the article 9.0.4 Migration Notes.


Update-Relevant Information for 9.0.4 

While new requirements can result in adding new features, existing features can become obsolete over time. To keep the CloudGen Firewall up to date and performing properly, certain features will be removed completely, and others may be replaced with improved technology.

Features that Are No Longer Included as of this Version 9.0.4

If you require one of the listed features, do not update to this firmware version!

FW Audit

As of firmware 9.0.0, FW Audit is being discontinued. If you have been using FW Audit for reporting in the past, Barracuda Networks recommends using Barracuda Firewall Insights for advanced reporting instead.


As of firmware 9.0.0, support for the Web-UI is being discontinued.


As of firmware 9.0.0, the SMSd is being discontinued.


As of firmware 9.0.0, WANopt is being discontinued.

Features that Will Become Obsolete in an Upcoming Release

If you are currently using one of the features listed below, consider planning to switch to an appropriate alternative.

Currently, there are no features planned to be announced for removal. However, Barracuda Networks recommends checking for this again in the release notes 9.1.0.

New Features in Version 9.0.4 

As a minor release, version 9.0.4 contains important fixes.


Solved Bugs and Improvements in Release 9.0.4

  • Multiple consecutive logins by the same user are now considered even if the user has meanwhile logged out of the firewall. [BNNGF-84641]

  • Login and logout events now show up in firewall users as expected when a user reconnects via a client-to-site tunnel. [BNNGF-94998]

Barracuda Firewall Admin
  • In the trust zone under Allow Client Versions, you can now select newer NAC versions from 5.2.3 and higher. [BNNGF-91621]

  • Firewall rule statistics are no longer incorrectly renamed in certain situations. [BNNGF-94098]

  • A priority field has been added to the VPN transport configuration that enables the user to determine the transport ID in VPN > Site-to-Site, column SD-WAN. [BNNGF-94378]

  • All labels showing Unknown Signature have been renamed to Deleted signature. [BNNGF-95113]

  • The tab Client Action has been removed as a configuration option from the Notification tab of the Eventing configuration, and the Server Action tab has been renamed Action. [BNNGF-95323]

Barracuda OS
  • Network speed is no longer compromised when handling PPPoE traffic. [BNNGF-83386]

  • A description for handling limitations for encrypting storage has been added into the Backup Daemon main article. [BNNGF-94504]
    For more information, see Backup Daemon.

  • The pool license scope no longer resets with a renewal. [BNNGF-94610]

  • The masterd no longer crashes when the licensing tab is accessed. [BNNGF-94656]

  • HA sync UDP sessions are now cleared as expected. [BNNGF-94803]

  • Overall memory usage is stable as expected. [BNNGF-95162]

  • Unexpected errors are no longer shown when configuring IPv6. [BNNGF-95181]

  • Weblog streaming now works as expected. [BNNGF-95562]

  • Client DHCP monitoring now works as expected. [BNNGF-95596]

Cloud Azure
  • The IPv6 DHCP client works as expected in Azure with Accelerated Networking. [BNNGF-94794]

  • Thunder VPN is now detected by the CGF. [BNNGF-84383]

  • Application Control no longer slows down web traffic. [BNNGF-95197]

  • Errors related to ICMP frames violating RFC-792 are not logged. [BNNGF-95563]

  • The firewall no longer crashes in certain situations under heavy load. [BNNGF-95575]

  • Force refresh of DNS objects now works as expected. [BNNGF-95662]

HTTP Proxy
  • The HTTP proxy has been updated to version 6.12 [BNNGF-95376]

  • The HTTP Reverse Proxy is now granted 10 seconds to start up and to work as expected. [BNNGF-95482]

  • Block page now shows the correct category. [BNNGF-95632]

  • Forwarding REST API endpoints from a CC to a managed box work as expected. [BNNGF-93625]

  • It is possible to use a CC Range Admin with a REST API token. [BNNGF-94666]

  • Client-to-site configuration changes no longer cause already established site-to-site tunnels to reload. [BNNGF-94491]

Support Cases ( Resolved)
  • Hotfix 1128 no longer causes dirty release. [BNNGF-95112]

  • A user with range scope can now create new clusters via FW Admin and REST. [BNNGF-95265]

  • Control Network view now shows the correct OSPF information. [BNNGF-95375]

  • Some websites or elements of a website now work as expected with TLS Inspection if the domain is too long. [BNNGF-95740]

  • CC-managed CloudGen Firewall to SecureEdge now works as expected with updates for the file barracudaone_dyndata.conf during enrollment. [BNNGF-95866]

  • Multiple DNS objects referenced in a parent object now apply in the app rule. [BNNGF-95391]

  • An issue related to kernel panic due to NULL pointer dereference has been resolved. [BNNGF-95729]

  • Handling of TCP segmentation when parsing TLS client hellos now works as expected. [BNNGF-95553]

  • SecureEdge Access Agent is now enabled to use the box's local BDNS fallback. [BNNGF-94723]


Known Issues in Release 9.0.4

  • Authentication – After the firmware update to 9.0.2, SAML authentication no longer works for C2S VPN.
    Workaround: Select the check box Enable SAML support in the VPN Client to Site configuration. See [BNNGF-94611]

  • Authentication – If two users log into the firewall as external admins at the exact same time, they will be assigned the same UID. [BNNGF-96362]

  • Barracuda OS – If a QoS profile has been created and assigned to a physical interface, this profile will be automatically overwritten by the simple QoS band when performing an HA failover or deleting the VPN tunnel assigned to this physical interface.    [BNNGF-90831]

  • Barracuda OS - SNMP does not currently indicate the issue if a power supply unit (PSU) is down. [BNNGF-95463]

  • CudaLaunch – iPad Pro devices with a MagicKeyboard cause issues. [BNNGF-95273]

  • Firewall – Inspecting traffic for QUIC/UDP 443 is currently not supported.    [BNNGF-74540]

  • Firewall – The YouTube search filter custom application is now obsolete due to changes in YouTube. Use Google Search instead. [BNNGF-95926]

  • Firewall – IPv6 LOUT bridge traffic does not use full link capacity due to a regression introduced in version 9.0.3 with BNNGF-94481. A fix will be available in 10.0. and 9.0.5. An EA version based on 9.0.4 is available. [BNNGF-96241]

  • REST – Policy profile rulesets are currently not supported by the REST API. [BNNGF-94123]

  • SSL-VPN and Cuda-Launch – Shared folders and files are no longer accessible via CudaLaunch if the name of the shared folder or file contains a blank space.    [BNNGS-3970]
    Workaround: You can make the folder accessible if you share it yourself and replace any blank character with %20.

  • Virus Scanner – The ATP quarantine currently does not work in conjunction with HTTP/2. For a workaround, contact support. [BNNGF-96122]
    ATP always uses policy "Deliver first, then Scan" in conjunction with HTTP/2, regardless of the configured setting.